Quotes/ Wishes

  • Quotes/ Wishes

    Quotes On Yoga In Sanskrit

    Most of us experience stress in our day to day life. It has become one of the biggest problems for us; more dangerous than cancer! Stress is adversely affecting everything; our working capacity, relations, physical and mental health. Stress has become one of the important factors in reducing our lifespan. Let us explore how Yoga and some of the natural Yogic ways can help us address this subtle yet daunting disease? चिंतायाश्च चितायाश्च बिन्दुमात्रं विशिष्यते |चिता दहति निर्जीवं चिन्ता दहति जीवनम् ||Transliteration:ciṃtāyāśca citāyāśca bindumātraṃ viśiṣyatecitā dahati nirjīvaṃ cintā dahati jīvanam English translation:In Sanskrit, there is only one difference in the spelling of the words चिंता (stress) and चिता (funeral pyre);…

  • Shri Ram
    Quotes/ Wishes

    Vijayadashmi (Dussehra) Wishes In Sanskrit

    When the battle was over, Ravana was killed by Rama. Mandodari, Ravana’s queen saw his dead body and she grieved and said many things. An entire chapter is dedicated to her in Ramayana. The meaning goes like this, “In the past, by performing a great penance, you conquered the senses and conquered the three worlds. Now, as if revenging that enmity, those very senses conquered you.” And it is a great reminder to all of us that no matter what we possess. Indulging in worldly things like anger and revenge can take it away and cost us dearly. So while it may be difficult to achieve a victory it is…

  • Quotes/ Wishes

    Shlok On Shiva In Sanskrit

    IntroductionImagine there’s fire everywhere. Everything’s burning. In this chaos and destruction, there’s only one person who is able to rescue the trapped. He’s badass and brave. The filmy-geek in you is already playing a western rock background music in your head, and lo! His mighty silhouette appears in the smoke. It’s so compelling that the fire is now irrelevant and a sense of safety and relief is instilled in you. He’s probably the only deity that has the capability to make a filmy entrance at any given time in his natural form. that’s probably one of the many ways we see Shiva, quite literally one of the most unique deities…

  • Quotes/ Wishes

    Understanding complete Ganapati Atharvashirsha this Ganesh Chaturthi!

    गणनायकाय गणदैवताय गणाध्यक्षाय धीमहि ।गुणशरीराय गुणमण्डिताय गुणेशानाय धीमहि ।गुणातीताय गुणाधीशाय गुणप्रविष्टाय धीमहि ।एकदंताय वक्रतुण्डाय गौरीतनयाय धीमहि । gaṇanāyakāya gaṇadaivatāya gaṇādhyakṣāya dhīmahi।guṇaśarīrāya guṇamaṇḍitāya guṇeśānāya dhīmahi।guṇātītāya guṇādhīśāya guṇapraviṣṭāya dhīmahi।ekadaṃtāya vakratuṇḍāya gaurītanayāya dhīmahi॥ Hindi Translation: हम श्री गणेश का ध्यान करते हैं, जो गणों के नायक, देवता, तथा अध्यक्ष हैं,जो गुणों के विग्रह हैं, गुणों द्वारा मण्डित हैं, गुणों के अधीश हैं, और गुणों के परे हैं। English translation: The leader, god, and chief of the gaṇas. The embodiment, adornment, and master of the guṇas, and one who is beyond the guṇas.The one with one tusk, and a curved trunk, the son of Gaurī (Pārvati), we meditate upon you. त्वं गुणत्रयातीतः।त्वमवस्थात्रयातीतः।त्वं कालत्रयातीतः।त्वं देहत्रयातीतः।…

  • Quotes/ Wishes

    Mother’s Day quotes In Sanskrit

    मातृदिनानुकूलं तु जननीनां स्तुतिः।(mātṛdinānukūlaṁ tu jananīnāṁ stutiḥ)“Mother’s Day is a tribute to mothers.” मातुर्वन्दनं सर्वेषां मातृदिनं सदा स्मृतम्।(māturvandanaṁ sarveṣāṁ mātṛdinam sadā smṛtam)“Honoring mother is always remembered as Mother’s Day.” मातृदिने मातृस्थानं सर्वस्य प्रणमाम्यहम्।(mātṛdine mātṛsthānaṁ sarvasya praṇamāmyaham)“On Mother’s Day, I bow to the place of mother in everyone’s heart.”

  • Kalidasa (कालिदास) Wiki, Sanskrit Quotes, Dramas, Short Poem, Epic Poems | DailyHomeStudy
    Quotes/ Wishes

    Shubh Akshay Tritiya! Akshay Trithiya Shloka & Images

    Akshaya Tritiya or also known as Akha Teej or Akti is considered to be the most auspicious period. The meaning is ‘third day of unending prosperity’. In recent times, the common notion in India is to purchase gold or property or start new things like a marriage, well this is true. But one important aspect of Akshaya Tritiya is also to donate, to give back, do charity. It is said that the charity done on Akshaya Tritiya remains ‘Akshaya’, imperishable and eternal. So instead of making a purchase today let us donate to the ones who need it the most. This Shloka depicts the importance of Dana (donation) in society.…

  • Quotes/ Wishes

    Happy Diwali in Sanskrit – शुभ दीपावली Posters

    Dhanwantari, who is also worshipped on the occasion of Dhanteras, is the god of Ayurveda who imparted the wisdom of Ayurveda for the betterment of mankind and to help rid it of the suffering of disease. We are celebrating the spirit of millions of doctors who have dedicated their lives for us. Dhanteras is also celebrated as the “National Ayurveda Day”. सत्यं च येन निरतं रोगं विधूतं, अन्वेषितं च सविधिं आरोग्यमस्य।गूढं निगूढं औषध्यरूपम्, धन्वन्तरिं च सततं प्रणमामि नित्यं॥ Transliteration:satyaṃ ca yena nirataṃ rogaṃ vidhūtaṃ, anveṣitaṃ ca savidhiṃ ārogyamasya।gūḍhaṃ nigūḍhaṃ auṣadhyarūpam, dhanvantariṃ ca satataṃ praṇamāmi nityaṃ॥ English Translation:One who wiped out all the diseases, truly and constantly, One who discovered the…

  • Shri Ram
    Quotes/ Wishes

    Shubh Ram Navami – Ram Navami Meaning & Posters

    लक्ष्मीश्चन्द्रादपेयाद्वा हिमवान्वा हिमं त्यजेत्।अतीयात्सागरो वेलां न प्रतिज्ञामहं पितुः॥ Transliteration –lakṣmīścandrādapeyādvā himavānvā himaṃ tyajet।atīyātsāgaro velāṃ na pratijñāmahaṃ pituḥ॥ English translation –The Moon might lose its splendour, snow might abandon the Himavat mountain,the ocean might overstep its shores, but I (Shri Ram) shall not forsake the promise made to my father. Hindi translation –चन्द्रमा का सौन्दर्य जा सकता है, हिमालय बर्फ़ त्याग सकता है,और सागर अपनी सीमा लांघ सकता है, पर मैं पिता से की गयी प्रतिज्ञा कदापि नहीं तोड़ सकता आनृशंस्यमनुक्रोशः श्रुतं शीलं दमः शमः ।राघवं शोभयन्त्येते षड्गुणाः पुरुषोत्तमम् ॥ ānṛśaṃsyamanukrośaḥ śrutaṃ śīlaṃ damaḥ śamaḥ ।rāghavaṃ śobhayantyete ṣaḍguṇāḥ puruṣottamam ॥ English translation –Non violence, compassion, learning, truthful nature, self-controland tranquil –…

  • Kalidasa (कालिदास) Wiki, Sanskrit Quotes, Dramas, Short Poem, Epic Poems | DailyHomeStudy
    Quotes/ Wishes

    Happy Sanskrit Day – शुभ संस्कृत दिवस।

    On the occasion on World Sanskrit Day. ReSanskrit celebrates by reciting how Sanskrit is not just a language but a medium to the higher intellect, science, culture, literature, religion and much more to provide us a better way of life. Sanskrit is the mother of all languages. It is the most ancient language. Historians say that the ancient Aryans transacted in this language, and tradition maintains that it is the language of Gods. The words Geervani Bharati in verse refers to this. The works composed in Sanskrit are all beautiful and many of the religious and literary works of India, like the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, Vedas, and Upanishads, are composed…

  • Quotes/ Wishes

    Holika Dahan – Holi Images in Sanskrit!

    कदर्थितस्याऽपि हि धैर्यवृत्तेर्न शक्यते धैर्यगुणः प्रमार्ष्टुम्।अधोमुखस्यापि कृतस्य वह्नेरधः शिखा याति कदाचिदेव॥ Transliteration:kadarthitasyā’pi hi dhairyavṛtterna śakyate dhairyaguṇaḥ pramārṣṭum।adhomukhasyāpi kṛtasya vahneradhaḥ śikhā yāti kadācideva॥ English translation:Even when turned upside down, the flames of fire never go down.In the same way, the fortitude of a courageous person never wipes out even when tormented by a host of misfortunes. Hindi translation:जिस तरह आग का मुह नीचे करने पर भी उसकी लपट कभी नीचे नहीं जाती,उसी तरह धैर्यवान व्यक्ती का साहस कठिन परिस्थितियों से कभी नही टूटता। अरणीन्थने जातु यो विरन्तुं न चेष्टते ।स एव लभते वह्निमेवं सिद्धेरपि प्रथा ॥ Transliteration:araṇīnthane jātu yo virantuṃ na ceṣṭate ।sa eva labhate vahnimevaṃ siddherapi prathā ॥ English translation:The…

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