Shri Ram
Quotes/ Wishes

Shubh Ram Navami – Ram Navami Meaning & Posters

लक्ष्मीश्चन्द्रादपेयाद्वा हिमवान्वा हिमं त्यजेत्।
अतीयात्सागरो वेलां न प्रतिज्ञामहं पितुः॥

Transliteration –
lakṣmīścandrādapeyādvā himavānvā himaṃ tyajet।
atīyātsāgaro velāṃ na pratijñāmahaṃ pituḥ॥

English translation –
The Moon might lose its splendour, snow might abandon the Himavat mountain,
the ocean might overstep its shores, but I (Shri Ram) shall not forsake the promise made to my father.

Hindi translation –
चन्द्रमा का सौन्दर्य जा सकता है, हिमालय बर्फ़ त्याग सकता है,
और सागर अपनी सीमा लांघ सकता है, पर मैं पिता से की गयी प्रतिज्ञा कदापि नहीं तोड़ सकता

आनृशंस्यमनुक्रोशः श्रुतं शीलं दमः शमः ।
राघवं शोभयन्त्येते षड्गुणाः पुरुषोत्तमम् ॥

ānṛśaṃsyamanukrośaḥ śrutaṃ śīlaṃ damaḥ śamaḥ ।
rāghavaṃ śobhayantyete ṣaḍguṇāḥ puruṣottamam ॥

English translation –
Non violence, compassion, learning, truthful nature, self-control
and tranquil – these six virtues adorn Rama, the best of men.

Hindi translation –
अहिंसा, दया, वेदशास्त्रों का ज्ञान, सुशीलता,
आत्मसंयम और शान्त चित्त, ये छः गुण राघव (मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम) को शोभा देते हैं।

विक्लबो वीर्यहीनो यस्य दैवमनुवर्तते ।
वीरास्सम्भावितात्मानो न दैवं पर्युपासते ॥

viklabo vīryahīno yasya daivamanu vartate
vīrāssambhā vitātmāno na daivaṃ paryupāsate

English translation – Those who are timid and cowardly depend alone on destiny.
The valiant ones with self-respect do not care for it.

Hindi translation – जो कायर हैं वे केवल भाग्य पर निर्भर रहते हैं।
स्वाभिमानी तथा शूरवीर भाग्य की परवाह नहीं करते।

Source – Valmiki’s Ramayana 2.23.16

On this Ram Navami, let’s imbibe this Shloka from Valmiki’s Ramayana and let us work toward our individual goal with more vigor, enthusiasm, and determination.

This Shloka is part of the conversation between Angada (son of Sugriva) and his army (Vanar Sena) when they were on their mission to find Sita. Angada motivates his army when they had started losing their enthusiasm as they were not able to find her despite the extensive search.

The Shloka in short means, relentless efforts will bring the fruits of pursuit. On taking up an activity it is to be continued without abandoning for reasons of personal disinterestedness or laxity.

विक्लबो वीर्यहीनो यस्य दैवमनुवर्तते ।
वीरास्सम्भावितात्मानो न दैवं पर्युपासते ॥

viklabo vīryahīno yasya daivamanu vartate
vīrāssambhā vitātmāno na daivaṃ paryupāsate

English translation – Those who are timid and cowardly depend alone on destiny.
The valiant ones with self-respect do not care for it.

Hindi translation – जो कायर हैं वे केवल भाग्य पर निर्भर रहते हैं।
स्वाभिमानी तथा शूरवीर भाग्य की परवाह नहीं करते।

Source – Valmiki’s Ramayana 2.23.16

On this Ram Navami, let’s imbibe this Shloka from Valmiki’s Ramayana and let us work toward our individual goal with more vigor, enthusiasm, and determination.

This Shloka is part of the conversation between Angada (son of Sugriva) and his army (Vanar Sena) when they were on their mission to find Sita. Angada motivates his army when they had started losing their enthusiasm as they were not able to find her despite the extensive search.

The Shloka in short means, relentless efforts will bring the fruits of pursuit. On taking up an activity it is to be continued without abandoning for reasons of personal disinterestedness or laxity.

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