Baby Girl Hindu Names in Sanskrit with Letter C | DailyHomeStudy
Baby Girl Names in Sanskrit, Names for girls in Sanskrit, Latest and Trendy Baby Girl Names in Sanskrit, Latest and Trendy Baby Girl Hindu Names in Sanskrit, Baby Girl Hindu Names in Sanskrit, Baby Girl Hindu Mythology Names in Sanskrit. Names for girls in Sanskrit Candrā (चन्द्रा): glittering, shining like gold, having brilliance or hue of light.Candrikā (चन्द्रिका): resembling moonlight.Citrā (चित्रा): (one of the Indian names of constellations) excellent, bright, bright-coloured, wonderful.Cevī (चेवी): a Rāgiṇī in Indian Classical music.Caitrī (चैत्री): belonging to or born in the Hindu month Caitra.Cārumatī (चारुमती): having a noble or pleasing mind, intelligent.Cārulatā (चारुलता): as beautiful as a creeper.Caṇḍikā (चण्डिका): (name of a goddess) silver, fair,…
Baby Girl Names in Sankrit with Letter L | DailyHomeStudy
Baby Girl Names in Sanskrit, Names for girls in Sanskrit, Latest and Trendy Baby Girl Names in Sanskrit, Latest and Trendy Baby Girl Hindu Names in Sanskrit, Baby Girl Hindu Names in Sanskrit, Baby Girl Hindu Mythology Names in Sanskrit. Names for girls in Sanskrit Lakṣitā (लक्षिता): marked, distinguished, characterized, examined, recognised.Lakṣmī (लक्ष्मी): a good sign, good fortune, prosperity, success, happiness.Lāghavī (लाघवी): a slender or delicate woman.Latikā (लतिका): a slender creeper, a string of pearls.Lipsā (लिप्सा): the desire to gain, wish to acquire or obtain.Lavalī (लवली): a kind of metre, छन्द or वृत्त in classical sanskrit literature.Lasā (लसा): saffron, turmeric, red sandalwood.Laharī (लहरी): a large wave, billow.Lākṣaṇikī (लाक्षणिकी): knowing marks,…
Kalidasa (कालिदास) Wiki, Sanskrit Quotes, Dramas, Short Poem, Epic Poems | DailyHomeStudy
Kālidāsa (कालिदास) was one of the best Classical Sanskrit author. He is often considered ancient India’s greatest playwright and dramatist. His plays and poetry are primarily based on the Vedas, the Rāmāyaṇa, the Mahābhārata and the Purāṇas. His surviving works consist of three plays, two epic poems and two shorter poems. Who was Kālidāsa? Kalidasa is an Ancient India’s greatest writer. It is believed that he walked the earth somewhere between 4th and 5th centuries CE, during the reign of the Gupta dynasty. He was also one of the Nine Gems (Navaratna) in the court of King Vikramāditya. In modern times, Kālidasa’s work has gained respect all around the globe…
Swami Vivekananada Quotes in Sanskrit | DailyHomeStudy
Swami Vivekananda, a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. In this article, we will look at some of the Swami Vivekananda quotes in Sanskrit used in various speeches and letters. Swami Vivekananda’s birthday is also celebrated as National Youth Day here in India. Right from childhood, Swami Vivekananda was inclined towards spirituality. He was influenced by his guru, Ramakrishna, the principal teaching he received from Ramakrishna was that all living beings were an embodiment of the divine self; therefore, service to God could be rendered by service to mankind. After Ramakrishna’s death, Swami Vivekananda toured the Indian subcontinent extensively…
Essay on Shri Rama in Sanskrit, Hindi, English | DailyHomeStudy
Write an essay on Shri Rama in Sanskrit. The essay on Shri Rama is written in Sanskrit along with English Transliteration. The meaning in Hindi and English is also explained. The essay on Shri Rama is short and easy essay in Sanskrit. It can be used by school or college going students or any other one who is learning Sanskrit. Transliteration, meaning in English and Hindi translation are given below. श्रीरामः विषये संस्कृते निबन्धः श्रीरामः मम प्रियः देवः। श्रीरामः विष्णोः सप्तमः अवतारः। भगवान् नारायणः त्रेतायुगे श्रीरामरूपेण अवतारं गृहीतवान्। कौसल्यादशरथयोः एषः पुत्रः। तस्य त्रयः भ्रातरः आसन्। ते भरतः, लक्ष्मणः शत्रुघ्नः च इति। श्रीरामः अयोध्यायां निवसति स्म। एतस्य भार्या सीता। लवः कुशः…
Sanskrit Names for Newborn Girls Letter A |DailyHomeStudy
Baby Girl Names in Sanskrit, Names for girls in Sanskrit, Latest and Trendy Baby Girl Names in Sanskrit, Latest and Trendy Baby Girl Hindu Names in Sanskrit, Baby Girl Hindu Names in Sanskrit, Baby Girl Hindu Mythology Names in Sanskrit. Unique Sanskrit names starting with A(अ) Names for girls Ajarā (अजरा): Ever youngAñjanī (अञ्जनी): (mother of Hanumān) a woman (who is fit for the application of ointments, pigments, sandal-wood-paste etc.)Amalā (अमला): clear, pure, shiningArjunā (अर्जुना): white, clear, made of silverArcā (अर्चा): worship, adorationAvaśā (अवशा): independent, unrestrained, freeAśokā (अशोका): not causing sorrow, not feeling sorrowAkṣarā (अक्षरा): imperishable, unalterableAmitā (अमिता): boundless, infiniteAruṇā / Aruṇī (अरुणा / अरुणी): reddish, morning or dawnAñjī (अञ्जी):…
V Letter Baby Boy Hindu Names in Sanskrit | DailyHomeStudy
Unique Sanskrit names starting with the letter Va (व), Sanskrit Baby Boy Names starting with Letter V, Hindu Mythological Sanskrit Names for baby boy starting with Letter V Names for boys Vaṅkaṭaka (वङ्कटक): name of a Mountain in Sanskrit literature.Vakrama (वक्रम): flight, retreat.Vaṅgara (वङ्गर): name of a prince.Vaktā (वक्ता): speaker, eloquent, wise, honest, sincere, expounder or teacher.Vaṭeśvara (वटेश्वर): name of a Liṅga, of a Sanskrit poet.Vatsa (वत्स): (name of a descendant of Kaṇva, of Āgneya, of Kāśyapa) child or son, a year.Vatsāra (वत्सार): name of a son of Kaśyapa.Vanamāla (वनमाल): (name of Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa) wearing a garland of forest-flowers.Vandhūla (वन्धूल): name of a Ṛṣi.Varuṇa (वरुण): (name of a Vedic…
L Letter Baby Boy Hindu Names in Sanskrit | DailyHomeStudy
Unique Sanskrit names starting with the letter La(ल), Collection of Sanskrit Names starting with Letter L, Baby Boy Hindu Name in Sanskrit, Sanskrit Baby Boy Names according to Hindu Mythology. Unique Sanskrit names starting with the letter La(ल) Names for boys Lakṣa (लक्ष): a mark or sign to be aimed, targeted.Lakṣī (लक्षी): having good marks or signs.Lakṣmaṇa (लक्ष्मण): endowed with auspicious signs or marks, lucky, fortunate.Labdhātīrtha (लब्धातीर्थ): one who has gained an opportunity.Lalita (ललित): sporty, innocent, soft, gentle, charming.Lāla (लाल): the son of a Maitreya and a Brāhmaṇī.Lava (लव): (son of Rāma and Sītā) that which is cut or shorn off, a section, fragment, piece.Laṣva (लष्व): a dancer, an actor.Lāsya…
Baby Boy Names Hindu in Sanskrit with Letter C (च) | DailyHomeStudy
Unique Sanskrit names starting with the letter Cha(च), collection of mythological baby boy names in Sanskrit Language. Names for boysCaṇa (चण): famous, renowned.Cāṇakya (चाणक्य): (famous minister and political advisor of King Chandragupta) son of Caṇaka.Catura (चतुर): swift, quick, clever.Cadira (चदिर): the moon, camphor.Candana (चन्दन): Sandalwood, something which is excellent of its kind, aromatic.Carmika (चर्मिक): shield-bearer.Cākṣma (चाक्ष्म): gracious.Cāru (चारु): (one of the sons of Krishna) beloved, esteemed, pleasing.Caitanya (चैतन्य): consciousness, intelligence, soul.Cyavana (च्यवन): (a seer / ṛṣi who was the son of seer Bhṛgu) one who is moving or one who makes something to move.Cakrī (चक्री): (name of Viṣṇu) one who has the discus.Candreśa (चन्द्रेश): (one of the names of Śiva)…
Sanskrit Baby Girl Names with Letter V | DailyHomeStudy
Baby Girl Names in Sanskrit, Baby Girl Names Hindu Mythology in Sanskrit, Sanskrit Baby Girl Names in 2021, Latest and trendy Baby Girl Names in Sanskrit Names for girls Vaṃśī (वंशी): flute, pipe, an artery or vein.Vagalā (वगला): goddess worshipped by the Tāntrikas.Vaṅgalā (वङ्गला): a particular Rāgiṇī in Indian Classical music.Vacā (वचा): a kind of talking bird, a kind of aromatic root.Vajrā (वज्रा): name of goddess Durgā and of a daughter of Vaiśvānara.Vañjarā (वञ्जरा): name of a river.Vaṭakinī (वटकिणी): name of a particular night of full moon.Vaḍabā (वडबा): (the nymph Aśvinī, mother of the twin-deity, the Aśvins.) a female horse, mare, a particular constellation represented by a horse’s head.Vatsalā (वत्सला):…