Heron and Crab Story in Sanskrit | DailyHomeStudy

Heron and Crab Story in Sanskrit | DailyHomeStudy

Heron and Crab is a famous story from Panchatantra. Panchtantra is a collection of motivational stories having a moral.

Heron and Crab Story in Sanskrit

कुत्रचित् अरण्य प्रदेशे एकः सरोवरः आसीत्। तत्र बहवः जलचराः आसन्।

कञ्चन बकः अपि तत्र बहुकालतः वसति स्म। कालान्तरे सः बकः वृद्धः अभवत्।

वार्धक्यकारणतः सः मत्स्यान् ग्रहीतुम् अपि असमर्थः अभवत्। ‘इदानीं कथम् आहारः सम्पादनीयः? ‘ इति चिन्तयन् सः एकम् उपायम् अन्विष्टवान्।

सरोवरस्य तीरे स्थित्वा अश्रूणि मुञ्चन् सः रोदनम् आरब्धवान्। तदा कश्चन कर्कटकः तस्य समीपम् आगत्य पृष्टवान् :-

‘ माम ! किमर्थं भवान् रोदनं करोति ? ‘ इति।

तदा बकः उक्तवान् :- ” अद्य दैवज्ञमुखतः अहम् एकां दुर्वाता श्रुतवान् – ‘ इतः परं द्वादशवर्षपर्यन्तम् अत्र अनावृष्टिः भविष्यति ‘ इति।

अस्माकं सरोवरे किञ्चिदेव जलम् अस्ति। शीघ्रमेव तदपि शुष्कं भविष्यति।

तदा मम बान्धवाः भवन्तः सर्वे अपि मृताः भविष्यन्ति किल इति मम अतीव दुःखम् ” इति।

तत् श्रुत्वा कर्कटकः तां वार्ताम् अन्यजलचरान् निवेदितवान्। ते सर्वे अपि भीताः सन्तः बकस्य समीपम् आगतवन्तः।

उपकर्त्राsरिणा संधिर्न मित्रेणापकारिणा।
उपकारापकारौ हि लक्ष्यं लक्षणमेतयो:।

” माम ! अस्माकं प्राणरक्षणार्थं कोऽपि उपायः अस्ति किम् ? ‘ इति।

तदा बकः उक्तवान् – “ इतः किञ्चिद्दूरे अन्यः कश्चन सरोवरः विनयेन तं पृष्टवन्तः अस्ति।

तत्र प्रभूतं जलम् अस्ति। तत् कदापि शुष्कं न भविष्यति। यदि भवन्तः मम पृष्ठम् आरोहन्ति तर्हि अहं भवतः सर्वान् तत्र नयामि ” इति।

तदा ते जलचराः महता उत्साहेन तं परितः स्थितवन्तः। बकः तान् पृष्ठे आरोप्य ततः प्रस्थितवान्।

किञ्चिद्दरे एका शिला आसीत्। तत्र तान् स्थापयित्वा सः सन्तोषेण खादितवान्।

एवमेव सः बहून् जलचरान् खादितवान्। एकस्मिन् दिने कर्कटकः उक्तवान् : –

“ माम ! अद्य मां नयतु ‘ इति । ‘ अस्तु , अद्य कर्कटकस्य मांसं खादामि ‘ इति चिन्तयित्वा बकः तं पृष्ठे आरोपितवान् , वध्यशिलां प्रति गतवान् च।

कर्कटकः दूरादेव शिलायां पतितानि अस्थीनि दृष्ट्वा बकस्य दुरालोचनां ज्ञातवान्।

अतः सः स्वदन्तद्वयेन बकस्य कण्ठं दृढं गृहीतवान्। वेदनया रोदनं कुर्वन् सः वञ्चकः बकः मृतः ।

Crane and the Crab Story in English

Sanskrit Story in English :- Heron and Crab

Somewhere in the forest there was a lake. In which many types of water creatures lived and a heron also lived there for many years.

That heron was now very old. For this reason he was not able to catch the fish.

He started thinking how to arrange food. He had a thought in his mind.

The old man began to moan loudly on the banks of the Heron lake. Hearing the moan, the crab went to the heron and asked :-

Mama, why are you mourning?

Then the heron said :- Today I heard from someone that a great great holocaust is coming.

Due to which the water of this lake will dry up. Because of which all of you will die.

So i’m moaning

Hearing this, the crab told all living creatures in the water. Hearing this, they all got scared and went to Bagula.

Everyone went to the heron and asked : –

Mama, will there be any way to save us?

Heron said: – Yes, there is a solution. There is another big lake at some distance from here.

In which has a lot of water. Which will never dry up.

If you all climb on my back one by one, I can leave you all there.

All those creatures accepted the order of the heron.

So now every day Heron sits on his back and goes some distance to a mountain.

He would have eaten it comfortably on the mountain. By doing this he ate many animals.

One day the crab said: – Take me today, mama.

Heron also thought that it is good to eat crab meat today.

Thinking like this, he took her sitting on his back.

As soon as some go away, the crab saw a pile of bones on the rock from far away.

Crab understood as soon as he saw a pile of bones.

That this heron has eaten everyone and now it will eat me too.

For this reason, he caught the neck of the heron with his arms and broke it.

Due to which Heron died.

Moral of the Story

  • What cannot be done with force can be done with intelligence.
  • Do not blindly believe the words of others.
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