Kamdhenu Guna Vidya Sloka meaning in Hindi, English | Dailyhomestudy
So much importance Chanakya gave to continuous learning. And indeed isn’t it relevant today more than ever? Chanakya had given a lot of importance to learning. Education is one of the most important part in anyone’s life.
Kamdhenu Guna Vidya Sanskrit Transcript
कामधेनुगुना विद्या ह्यकाले फलदायिनी।
प्रवासे मातृसदृशी विद्या गुप्तं धनं स्मृतम्॥
Kamdhenu Guna Vidya Transliteration
kāmadhenugunā vidyā hyakāle phaladāyinī।
pravāse mātṛsadṛśī vidyā guptaṃ dhanaṃ smṛtam॥
Kamdhenu Guna Vidya English Translation
Learning is like a cow of desire. It, like her, yields in all seasons. Like a mother, it feeds you on your journey. therefore learning is a hidden treasure.
Kamdhenu Guna Vidya Hindi Translation
विद्या अर्जन करना यह एक कामधेनु के समान है जो हर मौसम में अमृत प्रदान करती है. वह विदेश में माता के समान रक्षक अवं हितकारी होती है. इसीलिए विद्या को एक गुप्त धन कहा जाता है.
Kamdhenu Guna Vidya Sloka Source
Kamdhenu Guna Vidya Shlok is taken from Chankya Niti.
चाणक्य नीति : 4:5 / Chanakya Niti: 4:5
Kamdhenu Guna Vidya One by one word meaning in English
Kaamadhenu = mythical cow that emerged from the ocean
during the course of churning of the ocean by the Gods and
Demons. She is supposed to satisfy all desires.
Gunaa = virtues.
Vidyaa = knowledge.
Hyakaale = hi + akaale.
Hi = surely.
Akaale = during bad times.
Phaladaayinee= giving fruitful results.
Pravaase = while residing in foreign countries.
Maatrusadrushee = like a mother.
Vidyaa = knowledge.
Guptam = hidden, secret.
Dhanam = wealth.
Smrutam = termed as, declared as.