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Shubh Akshay Tritiya! Akshay Trithiya Shloka & Images

Akshaya Tritiya or also known as Akha Teej or Akti is considered to be the most auspicious period. The meaning is ‘third day of unending prosperity’. In recent times, the common notion in India is to purchase gold or property or start new things like a marriage, well this is true. But one important aspect of Akshaya Tritiya is also to donate, to give back, do charity. It is said that the charity done on Akshaya Tritiya remains ‘Akshaya’, imperishable and eternal.

So instead of making a purchase today let us donate to the ones who need it the most. This Shloka depicts the importance of Dana (donation) in society.

उत्तमोऽप्रार्थितो दत्ते मध्यमः प्रार्थितः पुनः।
याचकैर्याच्यमानोऽपि दत्ते न त्वधमाधमः॥

uttamo’prārthito datte madhyamaḥ prārthitaḥ punaḥ।
yācakairyācyamāno’pi datte na tvadhamādhamaḥ॥

Hindi translation:
उत्तम मनुष्य मांगे बिना देता है, मध्यम मांगने पर देता है, और आधम तो याचकों के मांगने पर भी नहीं देता है।

English translation:
A noble person gives without being asked, a person of the medium category gives when asked,
and the worst of them doesn’t give even after being asked by the needy.

गौरवं प्राप्यते दानात न तु वित्तस्य संचयात् ।
स्थितिः उच्चैः पयोदानां पयोधीनाम अधः स्थितिः ॥

gauravaṃ prāpyate dānāta na tu vittasya saṃcayāt ।
sthitiḥ uccaiḥ payodānāṃ payodhīnāma adhaḥ sthitiḥ ॥

Hindi translation:
वित्त के संचय से नहीं अपितु दान से गौरव प्राप्त होता है।
जल देनेवाले बादलों का स्थान उच्च है, जब की जल का संचय करने वाले सागर का स्थान नीचे है।

English translation:
Dignity is obtained by donating, not by accumulating wealth. The clouds who give away water stand high, whereas the sea who just gathers it stays low.

दानेन भुतानि वशीभवन्ति दानेन वैराण्यपि यान्ति नाशम्।
परोऽपि बन्धुत्वमुपैति दानैर्दान हि सर्वव्यसनानि हन्ति॥

dānena bhūtāni vaśībhavanti dānena vairāṇyapi yānti nāśam।
paro’pi bandhutvamupaiti dānairdāna hi sarvavyasanāni hanti॥

Hindi translation:
दान से सभी प्राणी वश होते है; दान से बैर (शत्रुताओं) का नाश होता है।
दान से शत्रु भी भाई बन जाता है; दान से सभी व्यसनों का नाश होता है॥

English translation:
A charity can subdue any creature, a charity can eliminate enemies and make them allies.
A charity indeed is the cure for all bad things.

सर्वाबाधा विनिर्मुक्तो, धन धान्यः सुतान्वितः।
मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशयः ॥

sarvābādhā vinirmukto, dhana dhānyaḥ sutānvitaḥ।
manuṣyo matprasādena bhaviṣyati na saṃśayaḥ ॥

English translation:
With the help of her blessings
(Goddess Lakshmi), undoubtedly,
one can get rid of all obstacles
and attain wealth, grains and sons.

Hindi translation:
देवी लक्ष्मी के आशीर्वाद से कोई भी
सभी बाधाओं से मुक्त होगा तथा
धन, धान्य एवं सन्तान से सम्पन्न होगा
इसमें तनिक भी संदेह नहीं है।

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