Buildings, Paintings and Books Class 6 History Notes | DailyHomeStudy
Metallurgy Ancient Indian metallurgists made major contributions to the metallurgical history of the world. Archaeological excavations have shown that the Harappans were master craftsmen and had knowledge of copper metallurgy. They even manufactured bronze by mixing copper and tin. While the Harappans belonged to the Bronze Age, their successors belonged to the Iron Age. India produced highly advanced types of iron-forged iron, wrought iron and cast iron. Buildings, Paintings and Books The iron pillar on pillar The iron pillar at Mehrauli, Delhi, is a remarkable example of the skill of Indian crafts persons. It is made of iron, 7.2. m high, and weighs over 3 tonnes. It was made about 1500 years ago. There is an inscription on the pillar mentioning a ruler named Chandra, who probably…
New Empires and Kingdoms Class 6 History Notes | DailyHomeStudy
New Empires and Kingdoms Chapter 10 is about Prashastis, Samundragupta, Vikram Samvat, Harshavardhana and the Harshacharita, The Pallavas, Chalukyas and Pulakeshin’s prashasti. How were these kingdoms formed? Assemblies and ordinary people in these kingdoms are also covered in this lesson 10 New Empires and Kingdoms. We have also included the question, answers with solution. These notes are prepared by expert teachers. We have tried our best to include the each and every thing related to this chapter. Prashastis and what they tell us In the Earliest Cities A long inscription about Samudragupta was inscribed on the Ashokan pillar at Allahabad. It was composed as a Kavya by Harishena, who was a poet and a minister at…
Traders, Kings and Pilgrims Class 6 History Notes | DailyHomeStudy
How to find out about trade and tr ade and trade and traders The Northern Black Polished Ware pottery, especially bowls and plates, were found from several archaeological sites throughout the subcontinent. Traders may have carried them from the places where they were made, to sell them at other places. South India was famous for gold, spices, especially pepper, and precious stones. Pepper was particularly valued in the Roman Empire, so much so that it was known as black gold. Traders carried many of these goods to Rome in ships, across the sea, and by land in caravans. There must have been quite a lot of trade as many Roman gold coins have been found in south India. Kingdoms, Kings…
Vital Villages, Thriving Towns Class 6 History Notes | DailyHomeStudy
Iron tools and agriculture Things made of iron (and steel) are a part of our daily lives. The use of iron began in the subcontinent around 3000 years ago. The largest collections of iron tools and weapons were found in the megalithic burials, about which Around 2500 years ago, there is evidence for the growing use of iron tools. These included axes for clearing forests, and the iron ploughshare. The ploughshare was useful for increasing agricultural production. Traders, Kings and Pilgrims Other steps to increase pr ease production: irrigation The kings and kingdoms you have been reading about could not have existed without the support of flourishing villages. New tools and the system of transplantation increased production, irrigation was also…
Ashoka, The Emperor who Gave up War Class 6 History Notes | DailyHomeStudy
A very big kingdom = an empire Introduction Ashoka was one of the greatest rulers known to history and on his instructions inscriptions were inscribed on pillars, as well as on rock surfaces. His kingdom was called an empire 2. Paterliny Was Folowed The empire that Ashoka ruled was founded by his grandfather, Chandragupta Maurya, more than 2300 years ago. Chandragupta was supported by a wise man named Chanakya or Kautilya. Many of Chanakya’s ideas were written down in a book called the Arthashastra. From Gathering to Growing Food 3. Cities and Villages These included the capital Pataliputra, Taxila, and Ujjain. Taxila was a gateway to the northwest, including Central Asia, while Ujjain lay on the route from north to south India.…
New Question And Ideas Class 6 History Notes | DailyHomeStudy
The story of the Buddha Introduction Siddhartha, also known as Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born about 2500 years ago. This was a time of rapid change in the lives of people. New cities were developing, and life was changing in the villages as well. Many thinkers were trying to understand these changes in society. They also wanted to try and find out the true meaning of life. What Where, How and When? 2. Gana The Buddha belonged to a small gana known as the Sakya gana, and was a kshatriya. When he was a young man, he left the comforts of his home in search of knowledge. He wandered for several years,…
Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Notes | DailyHomeStudy
How some men became rulers Choosing leaders or rulers by voting is something that has become common during the last fifty years or so. But, around 3000 years ago, we find some changes taking place in the ways in which rajas were chosen. Some men now became recognised as rajas by performing very big sacrifices. The ashvamedha or horse sacrifice was one such ritual. A horse was let loose to wander freely and it was guarded by the raja’s men. If the horse wandered into the kingdoms of other rajas and they stopped it, they had to fight. If they allowed the horse to pass, it meant that they accepted that the raja who wanted to perform the sacrificewas stronger than…
What Books and Burials Tell Us Class 6 Notes | DailyHomeStudy
One of the oldest books in the world There four Veda – the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. The oldest Veda is the Rigveda, composed about 3500 years ago. The Rigveda includes more than a thousand hymns, called sukta or “well-said”. These hymns are in praise of various gods and goddesses. Three gods are specially important: Agni, the god of fire; Indra, a warrior god; and Soma, a plant from which aspecial drink was prepared. These hymns were composed by sages (rishis). Priests taught students to recite and memorise each syllable, word, and sentence, bit by bit, with great care. Most of the hymns were composed, taught and learnt by men. A few were composed by women. The Rigveda is…
In the Earliest Cities Class 6 History Notes | DailyHomeStudy
The story of Harappa When railway lines were being laid down for the first time in the Punjab, engineers stumbled upon the site ofHarappa in present-day Pakistan. To them, it seemed like a mound that was a rich source of ready made, high quality bricks. They carried off thousands of bricks from the walls of the old buildings of the city to build railway lines. Many buildings were completely destroyed. This was the first city to be discovered, all other sites from where similar buildings (and other things) were found were described as Harappan. These cities developed about 4700 years ago. New Empires and Kingdoms What was special about these cities? Many of these cities were divided into two or…
FROM GATHERING TO GROWING FOOD Class 6 history notes | DailyHomeStudy
Neinuo’s lunch Neinuo was eating her favourite food — boiled rice, squash, pumpkins, beans and meat. Her grandmother had grown the squash, pumpkin and beans in the little garden plot at the back of her house. She remembered the food had been so different when she had been to Madhya Pradesh as part of a school trip. It was hot and spicy. What Where, How and When? Varieties of foods Different plants grow in different conditions — rice, for example, requires more water than wheat and barley. That is why farmers grow some crops in some areas and not in other areas. Different animals too, prefer different environments — for instance, sheep and goat can survive more easily than cattle in dry, hilly…