Mother’s Day quotes In Sanskrit
मातृदिनानुकूलं तु जननीनां स्तुतिः।
(mātṛdinānukūlaṁ tu jananīnāṁ stutiḥ)
“Mother’s Day is a tribute to mothers.”
मातुर्वन्दनं सर्वेषां मातृदिनं सदा स्मृतम्।
(māturvandanaṁ sarveṣāṁ mātṛdinam sadā smṛtam)
“Honoring mother is always remembered as Mother’s Day.”
मातृदिने मातृस्थानं सर्वस्य प्रणमाम्यहम्।
(mātṛdine mātṛsthānaṁ sarvasya praṇamāmyaham)
“On Mother’s Day, I bow to the place of mother in everyone’s heart.”
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