A Separating funnel is used for separating
Matter Around Us Pure? is the chapter 2 of Class 9 NCERT book. The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Question is given below for Class 9 Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure?
Multiple Choice Question
A Separating funnel is used for separating
(a) Immiscible liquids
(b) Solids
(c) Miscible liquids
(d) None of these
Option (a) is the right answer.
We can separate only immiscible liquids with the help of separating funnel.
Q 1. How to Separate the mixture of two immiscible liquids?
For the separation of a mixture of two immiscible liquids, we use a separating funnel. For example, we want to separate kerosene from water using a separating funnel. We can separate them by using the following steps.
Step 1
Pour the mixture of kerosene and water in a separating funnel.
Step 2
Let it stand undisturbed for some time so that the separate layers of kerosene and water are formed.
Step 3
Open the stopcock of the separating funnel and pour out the lower layer of water carefully.
Close the stopcock of the separating funnel as the oil reaches the stopcock.
Q 2. What is the principle behind using the separating funned to separate the two immiscible liquids?
Ans. The principle of separation by this method is that liquids separate out in layers depending on their densities.