Baby Girl Names in Sankrit with Letter L | DailyHomeStudy
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Names for girls in Sanskrit
Lakṣitā (लक्षिता): marked, distinguished, characterized, examined, recognised.
Lakṣmī (लक्ष्मी): a good sign, good fortune, prosperity, success, happiness.
Lāghavī (लाघवी): a slender or delicate woman.
Latikā (लतिका): a slender creeper, a string of pearls.
Lipsā (लिप्सा): the desire to gain, wish to acquire or obtain.
Lavalī (लवली): a kind of metre, छन्द or वृत्त in classical sanskrit literature.
Lasā (लसा): saffron, turmeric, red sandalwood.
Laharī (लहरी): a large wave, billow.
Lākṣaṇikī (लाक्षणिकी): knowing marks, acquainted with signs, an interpreter of marks and signs.
Lāvaṇyā (लावण्या): beauty, loveliness, charm.
Lekhā (लेखा): a streak, a line, a stroke.
Lopamudrā (लोपमुद्रा): (wife of sage Agasti) a learned woman.
Līlāvatī (लीलावती): sporty, active.
Lokyā (लोक्या): attainment of a better world.
Lohityā (लोहित्या): a celestial female/lady.
Lakṣaṇā (लक्षणा): characteristic, attribute, quality.
Locanā (लोचना): having beautiful eyes.
Līnā (लीना): devoted one.
Lakṣmīpriyā (लक्ष्मीप्रिया): beloved of Goddess Lakṣmī.
Laghimā (लघिमा): (name of Goddess Pārvatī) One of the eight Siddhis.
Lipikā (लिपिका): a written article, scribe.
Labukī (लबुकी): name of a musical instrument.
Laṭahā (लटहा): pretty or beautiful girl.
Latā (लता): a creeper, any creeping or winding plant or twining tendril.
Līlā (लीला): divine playfulness.