
Shubh Guru Purnima!

मार्गं दर्शयति यः।

mārgaṃ darśayati yaḥ।

Hindi translation:

English translation:
The one who shows the path.प्रेरकः सूचकश्वैव वाचको दर्शकस्तथा।
शिक्षको बोधकश्वैव षडेते गुरवः स्मृताः॥

prerakaḥ sūcakaśvaiva vācako darśakastathā।
śikṣako bodhakaśvaiva ṣaḍete guravaḥ smṛtāḥ॥

Hindi translation:
जो प्रेरणा दे, सूचना दे, पाठ करे, मार्गदर्शन करे,
शिक्षा दे, और बोध कराए, ये छः गुरु माने गये हैं।

English translation:
The one who inspires, one who informs, one who recites, one who guides,
one who teaches, and the one who awakens, these are the six Gurus to remember.

विनयफलं शुश्रूषा गुरुशुश्रूषाफलं श्रुतं ज्ञानम् ।
ज्ञानस्य फलं विरतिः विरतिफलं चाश्रवनिरोधः ॥

vinayaphalaṃ śuśrūṣā guruśuśrūṣāphalaṃ śrutaṃ jñānam ।
jñānasya phalaṃ viratiḥ viratiphalaṃ cāśravanirodhaḥ ॥

Hindi translation:
विनय का फल सेवा है, गुरुसेवा का फल ज्ञान है, ज्ञान का फल विरक्ति (स्थायित्व) है,
और विरक्ति का फल आश्रवनिरोध (बंधनमुक्ति तथा मोक्ष) है ।

English translation:
Modesty yields service, service to the Guru yields knowledge, knowledge yields detachment, and detachment yields salvation.

This Guru Purnima, let our teacher know that we value and follow the teachings they have given us over the years. This Shloka from SkandaPurana tells us the importance of the Guru in one’s life. And how true it is, without a person who tells us how to do and what to do, we’d be just wandering directionless creatures.

गुरौ न प्राप्यते यत्तन्नान्यत्रापि हि लभ्यते।
गुरुप्रसादात सर्वं तु प्राप्नोत्येव न संशयः॥

gurau na prāpyate yattannānyatrāpi hi labhyate।
guruprasādāta sarvaṃ tu prāpnotyeva na saṃśayaḥ॥

Hindi translation:
गुरु के द्वारा जो प्राप्त नहीं होता, वह अन्यत्र भी नहीं मिलता।
गुरु कृपा से निस्संदेह (मनुष्य​) सभी कुछ प्राप्त कर ही लेता है।

English translation:
Whatever is not obtained from the Guru, cannot be obtained from elsewhere.
With the grace of the Guru one indeed gets everything.

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