5 Lines On Winter Season In Sanskrit
हिमानि शीते ऋतौ आगच्छति।
(Himāni śīte ṛtau āgacchati.)
(Winter season arrives with cold snow.)
शीतोष्णानि वायुः समीरयन्ति।
(Śītoṣṇāni vāyuḥ samīrayanti.)
(Cold and hot winds blow during winter.)
तमस्यां अन्धकारे सूर्यः न प्रकाशयति।
(Tamasyāṁ andhakāre sūryaḥ na prakāśayati.)
(The sun does not shine in the darkness of winter.)
नदन्ति कृष्णा: पशव: गर्मानुभूत्वा।
(Nadanti kṛṣṇāḥ paśavaḥ garmānubhūtvā.)
(Animals make sounds feeling the warmth.)
शीतकाले जलम् बर्फ्यान्तर्गतं भवति।
(Śītakāle jalam barfyāntargataṁ bhavati.)
(Water turns into ice during the winter season.)
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