
5 Lines On Abdul Kalam In Sanskrit

अब्दुल कलामः भारतस्य प्रख्यातः वैज्ञानिकः आसीत्।
(Abdul Kalam was a famous scientist of India.)

तेन सर्वेषां उत्कृष्टतमस्य आदरणीयस्य लक्षणं आसीत्।
(He was known for his remarkable qualities admired by all.)

अद्भुतं उपक्रमं विकस्य, सम्प्रीतिं लभते सम्पूर्णः जनः।
(By developing extraordinary initiatives, he gained the affection of the entire nation.)

विज्ञानसाधनैः निरन्तरं समर्थस्य, अविच्छिन्नप्रयत्नैः यशः प्राप्तवान्।
(Through his continuous efforts in scientific endeavors, he achieved great success.)

अब्दुल कलामः अमूर्तप्रतिमः व्यक्तित्वं सर्वेषां मनसि अवलोकयन् अभवत्।
(Abdul Kalam possessed an unparalleled personality that inspired everyone.)

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