10 lines On Parents In Sanskrit
मातरः पितरश्च सन्ति।
(Mātaraḥ pitaraśca santi)
There are mothers and fathers.
पुत्रः पुत्री च परिचरन्ति मातरपितृकृपायाः।
(Putraḥ putrī ca paricaranti mātarapitṛkṛpāyāḥ)
Sons and daughters serve by the grace of their parents.
पितुर्नाम देवः, मातुर्नाम देवी।
(Piturnāma devaḥ, māturnāma devī)
The father is like a god, and the mother is like a goddess.
पुत्रः परमधनं, पुत्री परमधर्मः।
(Putraḥ paramadhanam, putrī paramadharmah)
A son is the ultimate wealth, and a daughter is the highest virtue.
मातुर्निन्दन्ति पितरश्च प्रशंसन्ति।
(Māturnindanti pitarasca praśansanti)
Some criticize the mother, while others praise the father.
पुत्रः प्रियः सर्वेभ्यो भवति।
(Putraḥ priyaḥ sarvebhyo bhavati)
A son is dear to everyone.
मातुः पूज्यते, पितुः पूज्यते।
(Mātuḥ pūjyate, pituḥ pūjyate)
The mother is to be worshipped, and the father is to be worshipped.
पितृभक्तिः पुत्रस्य कर्मणि समर्थतां ददाति।
(Pitṛbhaktiḥ putrasya karmaṇi samarthatāṁ dadāti)
Devotion to the father empowers the son in his actions.
माता गृहे भगवती, पिता धनधान्यवान्।
(Mātā gṛhe bhagavatī, pitā dhanadhānyavān)
The mother is the goddess at home, and the father is rich with wealth.
पुत्रस्य सफलतायै मातुर्निर्मलप्रेमायाः अपि महत्त्वं भवति।
(Putrasya saphalatāyai māturnirmalapremāyāḥ api mahattvaṁ bhavati)
For a son’s success, the pure love of the mother also holds great significance.