10 Lines On Importance Of Discipline In Sanskrit
शिक्षकानां सूचिता तदा स्वीकर्तुं शिष्यानां अत्यन्तं आवश्यका भवति।
(The acceptance of discipline by students becomes highly necessary upon the instructions of teachers.)
शास्त्रे सिद्धं यदि साध्यं तदा साधनं सम्भवति, अतएव संस्कृते शिक्षा एव महत्त्वपूर्णा।
(If the accomplishment as stated in scriptures is to be attained, discipline becomes feasible; hence, education in Sanskrit holds great importance.)
योग्येन चिन्तनेन योजनेन च, संस्कृतभाषया यथा तथा स्थितिप्राप्तिः संभवति।
(Through proper contemplation and planning, achievement of desired states becomes possible in the Sanskrit language.)
संस्कृते अभ्यस्यमाने न तन्मनसो विक्रमः सिध्यति।
(Without discipline in learning Sanskrit, the expansion of the mind cannot be achieved.)
संस्कृतभाषया साधनं सुखाय च परिणतं भवति।
(Through Sanskrit language, one’s journey towards excellence and happiness is accomplished.)
श्रेयस्कराणां नयः संस्कृतभाषया प्राप्यते।
(The path to excellence is attained through the Sanskrit language.)
विद्याधनं संस्कृतभाषया लाभयते।
(The treasure of knowledge is gained through the Sanskrit language.)
अध्ययनेन तपसा संस्कृतभाषया जातं स्थितिप्राप्तिः सिध्यति।
(Through study and discipline, proficiency in Sanskrit language is attained.)
संस्कृते ध्यानं च सञ्चारः च, तथा सम्प्राप्तिः सिध्यति।
(Meditation and discourse in Sanskrit lead to achievement.)
आदर्शब्राह्मणशिष्यस्य यथा संस्कृतमाचरनीयं तथा संस्कृतेनाभियुक्ताः जीवन्ति।
(As the ideal Brahmin student conducts themselves in Sanskrit, so do those who are immersed in Sanskrit live.)