10 Lines On Cow In Sanskrit
गौः ग्राम्यः पशुः अस्ति।
(Gauḥ grāmyaḥ paśuḥ asti)
The cow is a domestic animal.
गौः श्रेष्ठा गामिनी।
(Gauḥ śreṣṭhā gāminī)
The cow is the best wanderer.
गौः दूधं ददाति।
(Gauḥ dūdhaṁ dadāti)
The cow gives milk.
गौः सर्वदा प्रसन्ना भवति।
(Gauḥ sarvadā prasannā bhavati)
The cow is always cheerful.
गौः गृहस्य आश्रयः अस्ति।
(Gauḥ gṛhasya āśrayaḥ asti)
The cow is a shelter for the household.
गौः धर्मिकता लाभयोग्या।
(Gauḥ dharmikatā lābhayogyā)
The cow is beneficial for religious purposes.
गौः सत्यपरीक्षकः अस्ति।
(Gauḥ satyaparīkṣakaḥ asti)
The cow is a true examiner.
गौः वत्सपालने निपुणा।
(Gauḥ vatsapālane nipuṇā)
The cow is skilled in calf rearing.
गौः अन्नं प्रदाति।
(Gauḥ annaṁ pradāti)
The cow provides food.
गौः सर्वत्र समर्था।
(Gauḥ sarvatra samarthā)
The cow is capable everywhere.