10 Holi Quotes In Sanskrit
रङ्गोत्सवस्य शुभं भवतु।
(Raṅgotsavasya śubhaṁ bhavatu.)
May the festival of colors be auspicious.
होलिका दहनं शुभं भवतु।
(Holikā dahanaṁ śubhaṁ bhavatu.)
May the burning of Holika be auspicious.
फाल्गुन पूर्णिमा सुखमस्तु।
(Phālguna pūrṇimā sukhamastu.)
May the full moon day of Phalguna be joyful.
होलिकायाः पराजयः स्यात्।
(Holikāyāḥ parājayaḥ syāt.)
Let the victory of good over evil prevail.
रङ्गभेदः स्नेहः भवतु।
(Raṅgabhedaḥ snehaḥ bhavatu.)
May the differences in colors be expressions of love.
हरित्वं रक्तं श्वेतं पीतम्, सब्भावना गुलालम्।
(Haritvaṁ raktaṁ śvetaṁ pītam, sabbhāvanā gulālam.)
Green, red, white, yellow, all feelings are colors.
खेलन्तो विजयिनो यान्ति।
(Khelanto vijayino yānti.)
Those who play are victorious.
बालास्त्रियः सख्यं वहन्ति।
(Bālāstriyaḥ sakhyaṁ vahanti.)
Children and women carry friendship.
गुलाबं क्षीरमानं च खादित्वा, हर्षोत्सवं करोतु।
(Gulābaṁ kṣīramānaṁ ca khāditvā, harṣotsavaṁ karotu.)
After having consumed rose water and milk, let’s celebrate with joy.
रागभेदाः प्रेमन्दो भवन्तु।
(Rāgabhedāḥ premāndo bhavantu.)
Let the differences in colors be sweet with love.