Wishes on Holi In Sanskrit
होलिका उत्सवस्य शुभाशयाः!
(Holikā utsavasya śubhāśayāḥ!)
Wishing you a joyful Holi festival!
होलिकायाः शुभं भवतु!
(Holikāyāḥ śubhaṁ bhavatu!)
May goodness prevail on Holi!
होलि क्षणे तव सुखं भवतु!
(Holi kṣaṇe tava sukhaṁ bhavatu!)
Wishing you happiness during the moments of Holi!
हरितानि रङ्गाणि तुभ्यं समर्पयामि।
(Haritāni raṅgāṇi tubhyaṁ samarpayāmi.)
Offering you the green colors of Holi.
रंगबलित भव!
(Raṅgabalita bhava!)
May you be filled with the colors of joy!
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