
Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Maths Notes | DailyHomeStudy

Knowing our Numbers

  • Large numbers upto one crore
  • Reading and writing of large numbers
  • Comparing large numbers
  • Indian System of Numeration
  • International System of Numeration
  • Use of large numbers
  • Estimation of numbers
  • Use of brackets
  • Roman numerals

Whole Numbers

  • Natural numbers
  • Predecessor and successor of a natural number
  • Whole numbers: The natural numbers along with zero form the collection of whole numbers.
  • Representation of whole numbers on the number line
  • Addition and subtraction of whole numbers on the number line
  • Division of a whole number by zero is not defined
  • Patterns in whole numbers

Properties of whole numbers 

  • Closure property
  • Commutativity of addition and multiplication
  • Associativity of addition multiplication
  • Distributivity of muliplication over addition
  • Identities for addition and multiplication

Playing with Numbers

  • Factors and multiples
  • Number of factors of a given number is finite
  • Number of multiples of a given number is infinite
  • Perfect number: A number for which sum of all its factors is equal to twice the number.
  • Prime and composite numbers
  • Tests for divisiblity of numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11
  • Common factors and common multiples
  • Coprime numbers

Divisibility rules

  • Product of two consecutive whole numbers is divisible by 2
  • If a number is divisible by another number, then it is divisible by each of the factors of that number.
  • If a number is divisible by two coprime numbers, then it is divisibile by their product also.
  • If two given numbers are divisible by a number, then their sum is also divisible by that number.
  • If two given numbers are divisible by a number, then their difference is also divisible by that number.

Prime factorisation of a number

  • Highest Common Factor (HCF) of two or more numbers
  • Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers
  • Use of HCF and LCM in problems of day to day life.
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