5 Lines On Beach In Sanskrit
समुद्रतीरे सरलं रमामि।
(Samudratīre saralaṁ ramāmi)
I enjoy simplicity by the seashore.
पुनर्नवः शीतलः सततं।
(Punarnavaḥ śītalaḥ satataṁ)
The ocean is always cool and refreshing.
प्लवगाः कूलेषु नर्तन्ति।
(Plavagāḥ kūleṣu nartanti)
Birds dance on the waves.
रेतः सुकुमारं पारितो विहारः।
(Retaḥ sukumāraṁ pārito vihāraḥ)
Soft sand for leisure all around.
सूर्यस्यास्तंभे समुद्रस्य दृष्टिः।
(Sūryasyāstam̐bhe samudrasya dṛṣṭiḥ)
The gaze of the ocean towards the sun.
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