5 Lines on Importance Of Exercise In Sanskrit
योगस्य विशेषं महत्वं वर्णयिष्यामि।
(I will describe the special importance of exercise.)
शरीरस्य तन्द्राय च रोगाणां प्रतिकाराय च।
(For overcoming laziness of the body and preventing diseases.)
स्वस्थस्य च प्रतिष्ठायां ध्यानायां च समाधिनाम्।
(For maintaining health, concentration, and achieving mental equilibrium.)
आत्मसंस्कारसाधनाय च योगः प्रधानः।
(Exercise is foremost for self-discipline.)
जीवनमरणभयापनोद्दीपनाय च।
(And for illuminating the path beyond the fear of life and death.)
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