Parshuram Jayanti 2024
Parashurama (Sanskrit: परशुराम, IAST: Paraśurāma, lit. Rama with an axe) is the sixth avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism. Born as a Brahmin, Parashurama carried traits of a Kshatriya and is often regarded as a Brahman Warrior, He carried a number of traits, which included aggression, warfare, and valor; also, serenity, prudence, and patience.
ॐ जामदग्न्याय विद्महे। महावीराय धीमहि। तन्नो रामः प्रचोदयात्॥
oṃ jāmadagnyāya vidmahe। mahāvīrāya dhīmahi। tanno rāmaḥ pracodayāt॥
Hindi translation:
ॐ हम जमदग्नि के पुत्र को जानते हैं। हम उस महावीर का ध्यान करते हैं। वह (परशु)राम हमें प्रेरित करे।
English translation:
Om! We know of the son of Jamadagni. We think of the great hero. May that (Parasu)Rama inspire us!
अग्रत: चतुरो वेदा: पृष्ठत: सशरं धनु: ।
इदं ब्राह्मं इदं क्षात्रं शापादपि शरादपि ॥
agrata: caturo vedā: pṛṣṭhata: saśaraṃ dhanu: ।
idaṃ brāhmaṃ idaṃ kṣātraṃ śāpādapi śarādapi ॥
Hindi translation:
चार वेद ज्ञाता अर्थात् पूर्ण ज्ञान है एवं पीठपर धनुष्य-बाण अर्थात् शौर्य है।
अर्थात् यहां ब्राह्मतेज एवं क्षात्रतेज, उच्चासन विधमान हैं। जो सत्य का विरोध करेगा ,उसे ज्ञान से देकर अथवा बाण से परशुराम पराजित करेंगे।
English translation:
Parshuram who is well versed with the four Vedas and sports the bow and arrow upon His back (that is the one who has the radiance of both the Brahman (scholar) and the Kshatriya (warrior)) will destroy evildoers either with a curse or with an arrow.
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A poster and frame on Lord Parshurama will be coming very soon.