
Happy Independence Day India! स्‍वतंत्रता दिवस।

ReSanskrit wishes you and every Indian citizen a very happy Independence Day. We have completed 72 years since we got the independence. We have come so far, let us take a moment to remember the ones because of whom we got this liberty. The freedom fighters, the liberators, they are ones because this sanskrit shlok stands true. That it takes a lot good will and penance to be born in India.

गायन्ति देवाः किल गीतकानि धन्यास्तु ते भारतभूमिभागे ।
स्वर्गापवर्गास्पदमार्गभूते भवन्ति भूयः पुरुषाः सुरत्वात् ॥

gāyanti devāḥ kila gītakāni dhanyāstu te bhāratabhūmibhāge ।
svargāpavargāspadamārgabhūte bhavanti bhūyaḥ puruṣāḥ suratvāt ॥

Hindi Translation:
देवगण भी यह गान करते हैं कि जिन्होंने भारतवर्ष में जन्म लिया है, जो कि स्वर्ग और मोक्ष का मार्ग है, वे पुरुष हम देवताओं से भी अधिक धन्य हैं।

English Translation:
Even the gods sing that the men who are born in this Bhāratavarṣa, which is the path to heaven and liberation, are more fortunate than us gods.

रत्नाकरधौतपदां हिमालयकिरीटिनीम्।
ब्रह्मराजर्षिरत्नाढ्याम वन्देभारतमातम्॥

ratnākaradhautapadāṃ himālayakirīṭinīm।
brahmarājarṣiratnāḍhyāma vandebhāratamātam॥

Hindi Translation:
जिनके पैर समुद्र द्वारा धोए जाते हैं और जो हिमालय से सुशोभित हैं, वह, जो कई ब्रह्मऋषियों और राजऋषियों से भरा है।
ऐसी मेरी भारत माता को अभिवन्दन।

English Translation:
Salute to my mother India, whos’ feet are washed by the sea, adorned with Himalaya, she, who possess many Brahmarishis (intellectual sages) and Rajyarishis (king sages).

अत्र जन्म सहस्राणां सहस्रैरपि सत्तम।
कदाचिल्लभते जन्तुर्मानुष्यं पुण्यसञ्चयात्॥ 23

atra janma sahasrāṇāṃ sahasrairapi sattama।
kadācillabhate janturmānuṣyaṃ puṇyasañcayāt॥

Hindi Translation:
हजारों जन्मो के हजारों पुण्यकर्मों के संचय से यहाँ भारत भूमि पर मनुष्य जन्म प्राप्त होता है।

English Translation:
It is only after many thousand births, and the aggregation of much merit,
that living beings are sometimes born in Bhárata as human.

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