Essay On Importance Of Discipline In Sanskrit
कार्यसिद्धिर्हि यत्र नियतं विधिर्विद्यते। तत्र विद्या विनयोऽधीते, विनयाद्याति पात्रताम्। अस्या लोके सर्वेषाम् एकश्रेष्ठतमं धर्मं विनयः परं परा। तस्मात् विनयेन कुशलः पुरुषः सर्वत्र सदा सद्यः सुखी भवति।
विनयस्य प्रधानं लक्षणं नियमः, नियमेन प्राप्यते निष्ठा, निष्ठया सिद्धिः। एवं सदैव परिपालितं कुलं, समृद्धिर्भवति।
विनयः तु विश्वासः सम्भवति। सम्भवति विश्वासः तु समृद्धिः। समृद्धिस्तु योगः सिद्धिः, सिद्धिः सुखम् भवति।
समये विनयं चरन्तु शिष्याः, यथा पालयेत् सभां। सभायां शिष्या: सदा ध्यायन्तु पातं विद्यायां। विद्याध्याने पुरुषो महान् भवति, तस्मात् सर्वेषां शिक्षायां सदैव विनयं पालयेत्।
विनयेनैव समृद्धिं प्राप्नुवन्ति महात्मानः। विनयान्न दुर्विद्या, दुर्विद्ययान्न दुर्धनम्, दुर्धनाद्धि दुराध्ययः, दुराध्ययात् सम्प्राप्तम् दुर्लभं मोक्षः।
सर्वेषां प्रथमं धर्मं विद्या, विद्याया: प्रथमं लक्षणं विनयम्। विनयान्नान्यं सुखमस्ति धनं, धर्मः धर्मेण समृद्धिर्भवति। तस्मात् सर्वेषां संस्कृतभाषायां विनयं प्राप्यताम्।
Success lies where there is discipline. Discipline breeds humility, and humility fosters worthiness. In this world, among all virtues, discipline stands supreme. Therefore, a person skilled in discipline always finds happiness everywhere.
The foremost characteristic of discipline is adherence to rules, through which dedication is attained, leading to success. Thus, a family nurtured with discipline flourishes.
Discipline breeds trust. Trust leads to prosperity. Prosperity is the achievement of yoga (harmony), and harmony brings happiness.
Let students practice discipline in time, just as one maintains order in a gathering. In gatherings, let students always contemplate on the path of knowledge. Through the pursuit of knowledge, a person becomes great; hence, let discipline be maintained in all teachings.
Great souls attain prosperity only through discipline. Without discipline comes ignorance, from ignorance arises poverty, from poverty arises illiteracy, and from illiteracy, liberation becomes elusive.
Knowledge is the foremost virtue for all. The primary attribute of knowledge is discipline. Without discipline, neither wealth nor happiness exists. It is through righteousness that prosperity is achieved. Therefore, let discipline be acquired in the Sanskrit language by all.