10 Lines On Books My Friend In Sanskrit
पुस्तकानि मित्रं सह केवलम् ज्ञानाय नास्ति, सहाय्यं च करोति।
(Books not only provide knowledge but also offer companionship.)
पुस्तकानि यथा सततं विचारयन्ति, तथा मित्रं सदा संगच्छति।
(As books are constantly pondered upon, so does a friend always accompany.)
अन्यायेन पठतां विद्या न लभ्यते, तस्मात् मित्रं सहजे शास्त्रानुसारं पठतु।
(Knowledge cannot be gained through injustice, hence read with a friend according to the scriptures.)
पुस्तकानि मित्रं सह संवादयन्ति, ज्ञानमपि उत्तमं साधयन्ति।
(Books engage in dialogue with a friend, thus achieving the highest knowledge.)
श्रवणं चिन्तनं च मित्रेण सह अध्ययनं भवति, तत्पश्चात् ज्ञानस्य साधनं सम्भवति।
(Listening, contemplating, and studying with a friend leads to the attainment of knowledge, followed by its application.)
मित्रेण सह ग्रन्थस्य पठनं, ज्ञानस्य स्थितिं प्राप्नोति।
(Reading a book with a friend attains the stability of knowledge.)
समयेन मित्रं सह पुस्तकानि पठता, न अधिगमः सम्भवति।
(Reading books with a friend over time ensures comprehensive understanding.)
समयेन संस्कारितं ज्ञानं मित्रेण सह अधिगच्छति।
(Through time, cultured knowledge is acquired with a friend.)
मित्रं सह अध्ययनं चिरायुर्भवति, पुस्तकानि सदा पठता अद्य सत्यं ज्ञानमवाप्नोति।
(Studying with a friend leads to a long life, and one who continuously reads books attains true knowledge today.)
अध्ययनं विचारणं च मित्रेण सह सम्पन्नं स्यात्, तस्मात् सदा पुस्तकानि समीपे रख्यताम्।
(Studying and contemplation become complete with a friend, therefore, books should always be kept nearby.)