5 Lines On Trees In Sanskrit
वृक्षाः प्रकृतेः सौन्दर्यं दृश्यन्ते।
(Vṛkṣāḥ prakṛteḥ saundaryaṁ dṛśyante)
Trees exhibit the beauty of nature.
वृक्षाः वायुपर्णकान्तारे सन्ति।
(Vṛkṣāḥ vāyuparṇakāntāre santi)
Trees are found on the banks of the wind.
वृक्षाः जीवदानं प्रददाति।
(Vṛkṣāḥ jīvadānaṁ pradadāti)
Trees provide the gift of life.
वृक्षाः अकिरणः भूमौ स्थितः।
(Vṛkṣāḥ akiraṇaḥ bhūmau sthitaḥ)
Trees stand firmly on the ground.
वृक्षाः पर्यावरणं सज्जीवं करोति।
(Vṛkṣāḥ paryāvaraṇaṁ sajjīvaṁ karoti)
Trees make the environment vibrant and alive.
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