5 Lines On Snake In Sanskrit
सर्पः विषं धारयन्ति शरीरे तस्य
(Sarpaḥ viṣaṁ dhārayanti śarīre tasya)
The snake carries venom within its body.
अहिः पतति गर्दभान् स्थानमन्यत्
(Ahiḥ patati gardabhān sthānamanyat)
The serpent glides swiftly to find another place.
सर्पाणां शीतलं जलम् अनुभवामि
(Sarpāṇāṁ śītalaṁ jalam anubhavāmi)
I feel the cool water of the snakes.
नागः मणिं प्रियं पाति
(Nāgaḥ maṇiṁ priyaṁ pāti)
The serpent guards its precious gem.
सर्पदंशात् तपस्विनां मुक्तिः
(Sarpadaṁśāt tapasvināṁ muktiḥ)
Liberation from the serpent’s bite for ascetics.
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