5 Lines On Exam In Sanskrit
परीक्षा एक उत्कृष्ट उपकरणं हे, ज्ञानस्य मूल्यं परीक्षया विना न प्राप्यते।
(Examination is a great tool, knowledge’s true value is not attained without examination.)
शिक्षकैः अभ्यासः समीचीनमस्ति, परीक्षाया फलं छात्रेषु प्रदत्तम्।
(Through teachers’ guidance, practice is perfected, the fruit of examination is bestowed upon the students.)
परीक्षायां निष्ठा विद्यायाम्, न धैर्यं न समर्थम्।
(In examination, dedication is in education, not just courage and ability.)
यथा परीक्षा तथा विद्या, निष्ठा चैतन्यमाचरेत्।
(As is the examination, so is the knowledge, one should practice dedication diligently.)
परीक्षार्थं निर्दिष्टं स्थानं चारयित्वा साधून् समीक्षते।
(Having designated the examination place, the wise evaluate their preparations.)
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