10 Lines On Employment In Sanskrit
रोजगारं प्रतिकूलमस्ति।
(Employment is challenging.)
रोजगारं जनस्य आवश्यकमस्ति।
(Employment is essential for people.)
संसारस्य प्रगतिरूपाय प्रभवति।
(Employment contributes to the progress of society.)
व्यापारं यः करोति, स प्राज्ञः।
(One who engages in business is wise.)
विद्यार्थिनः सप्तपदानि प्राप्नुवन्ति।
(Students attain knowledge through education.)
नौकरी कर्मक्षेत्रे अन्ये लोगाः सहाय्यं प्राप्नुवन्ति।
(People help each other in the field of work.)
संसारे योगः दृढः।
(There is strength in unity in the world.)
रोजगारं शिक्षकेषु स्थानं विशिष्यते।
(Teaching occupies a special place in employment.)
उद्यमः जीविकायाः मुख्यं स्रोतः।
(Entrepreneurship is a primary source of livelihood.)
कर्मणा मनोरथानां पूर्णितिर्निर्भरते।
(Fulfillment of aspirations depends on action.)